Events Calendar

Eleventh Annual Trumpet Program - Week One
From Monday, July 30, 2018
To Monday, August 06, 2018
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July 30 - August 6, 2018:  Eleventh Annual Trumpet Program (weeks one and two as separate events) at Summerkeys, held in Lubec, Maine (USA).  Summerkeys is an adult music school held each summer in the picturesque Maine fishing village of Lubec, the eastern most town in the US.  Trumpeters of all levels and interests are invited and can attend either of the two weeks.  Avocational and “comeback” players are especially welcome.  In recent years the program has included musicians from as far away as New York, Minnesota, Texas, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Germany.  Participants will receive s daily group class, a daily one hour private lesson, practice time, and the chance to rehearse and perform with other trumpet players, pianists, woodwind, and string players.  Combine this with a wonderful vacation, as there will be ample opportunities to enjoy the pleasures of Downeast coastal Maine and nearby Campobello Island.  This instructor will again be Dr. Robert Stibler, Professor of Music at the University of New Hampshire.  For more information check the Summerkeys website ( or contact Robert Stibler at [email protected].



Location Lubec, Maine (USA)

Calendar updated by Dr. Albert Lilly.

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