NPP Articles

Call for Non-Pro Player Articles

ITG members are called upon to submit either a topic proposal or completed article for potential publication in the ITG Journal and/or in the Non-Pro Player (NPP) section of the ITG Website. Additionally, the author may be invited to present the article at a future ITG Conference.

The topic of any submission should be of interest to the typical NPP or specific subgroup.

The ITG definition of NPP is: any trumpet player who does not derive the major portion of their income from performing or teaching trumpet. As such, an NPP's playing expertise may lie anywhere from beginner to that of a highly competent professional player.

Submission guidelines and formatting suggestions are available as a PDF information pack.

Please submit articles or topic proposals to:

Dan Hallock
Chair, Non-Pro Players Committee
[email protected]  

Non-Pro Player Articles written by and for Non-Pro/Comeback Players:

  1. Care and Feeding Of Your Lip and Skills When Time is Limited by Floyd Friedli
  2. The Comeback Player by Vern Campbell
  3. Indelibly Stamped - Lessons learned from Mr. James “Jimmy” Stamp by David Johns

ITG Journal articles reviewed and approved for publication by the Non-Pro/Comeback Players Committee:

  1. Growing Old Gracefully With the Trumpet: A Guide for the Comeback Player by Donald K. Roeder
  2. Pulmonary Mechanics: Factors That Initiate and Maintain an Effective Air Stream by David D. Michie
  3. Redefining Goals: The Older Trumpeter in the Community Orchestra by Barry Rachin
  4. Motivation and COVID-19 by John Hackett
  5. Multi-track Remote Video & Audio Recording by John Hackett – pub. March 2022
  6. A Self-directed Return to Trumpet Following an Extended Absence by Thomas Zoubek – pub. June 2022
  7. Tools for Effective Trumpet Practice by Raquel Samayoa – pub. October 2022
  8. Coming Back Fully – Playing in a Community Ensemble by Thomas Zoubek – pub. January 2024 
  9. Comeback Player, 0 to 100 by Xavi Castella – pub. January 2025


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