ITG Call For Nominations

Call for Nominations

The nominating committee for the election of officers and board members of the International Trumpet Guild is soliciting recommendations from the membership for a Vice-President/President-Elect and a Secretary to serve 2019 to 2021 and for board members to serve 2019-2023. Self-nominations are welcome.

Read more: ITG Call For Nominations

Conference Photos Complete!

All the photos taken by the ITG Photography team are now online and available for browsing and purchase. There are almost 2000 photos covering almost ever aspect of the 2018 ITG Conference. Purchasing is easy and inexpensive and it supports ITG!

You will find the galleries on the page below - scroll down a bit to the "Featured Galleries" area.

Future ITG Conference Locations and Dates

The International Trumpet Guild has announced dates and locations for the next four annual conferences.

July 9-13, 2019
Hyatt Regency
Miami, FL

Late May/Early June, 2020 (tentative)
Hyatt Regency
Columbus, OH

June 1-5, 2021
Hyatt Regency Orange County
Anaheim, CA

May 31-June 4, 2022
Hyatt Regency
San Antonio, TX

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