ITG To Hire New Treasurer
Treasurer Search – June 10, 2022
International Trumpet Guild
Position Available
The International Trumpet Guild (ITG) invites applications for the position of ITG Treasurer.
About the Position
The ITG Treasurer assures the fiscal health of the organization and keeps accurate membership and financial data. The Treasurer is appointed, rather than elected, and is a member of both the ITG Board of Directors (BOD) and its Executive Committee (EC). This person is responsible for setting up an office that will serve as the home base and official address for the organization. They must be self-motivated and able to balance several tasks while also staying engaged with the BOD.
Receive and disburse funds, maintain banking and investment records, communicate with financial advisor(s), and keep accurate records of all fiscal transactions and membership records. Prepare monthly payroll including federal and multiple state tax reports as required. File multiple state sales and use tax reports and annual 1099 reports. Communicate financial information to the BOD, including budgets, which are annually approved by the BOD. Engage an accounting firm and prepare workpapers to assist them in the preparation of annual federal 990 and state returns. Prepare reports for and remotely attend quarterly board and EC meetings and be present on-site for the annual ITG conference, which typically occurs during the last week of May. Hire and supervise an assistant. Serve ex-officio on ITG committees pertaining to financial and membership matters.
The ITG Treasurer also acts as membership director and maintains the membership database, sending renewal notices and communicating with members via emails, eblasts, phone calls, and letters. The treasurer calculates print quantities and prepares mailing lists for the quarterly ITG Journal, sends intermediate mailings, fulfills merchandise orders, and sends promotional materials to events.
Conference responsibilities include creating online registration forms, collecting payments and data to be used at conference check-in, drafting invoices, collecting exhibitor contract payments, updating the conference website, and paying all conference invoices and prize money. The ITG Treasurer also creates on-site registration procedures, secures/records onsite registration cash, and prepares a final conference fiscal report. The treasurer works closely with the registration coordinator and volunteers.
Date of Appointment
August 1, 2022, or until the position is filled
Required Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in accounting or business. Non-profit or small business experience. Proficiency with Microsoft Excel or equivalent. Based in United States of America.
$30 per hour for a typical part-time workload of 25-30 hours per week. Remote work with flexible schedule.
Application Procedures
Interested candidates should send a resume and the names and contact information of three individuals who can attest to the professional strengths of the applicant via email to Marc Reed, ITG Secretary, at [email protected]. Additional materials may be requested by the search committee. Applications received by July 1, 2022, will be given full consideration.
International Trumpet Guild
ITG is a non-profit association that was founded in 1975 “To promote communications among trumpet players around the world and to improve the artistic level of performance, teaching, and literature associated with the trumpet.” The organization boasts thousands of members who hail from over fifty countries and include professional and amateur trumpet performers, teachers, students, manufacturers, and publishers. ITG does not discriminate against any individual based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, genetic information, military status, or status as a veteran.