Events Calendar
To Friday, August 02, 2024
July 29 to August 2 (Week 1), 2024: Seventeenth Annual Trumpet Program at SummerKeys (weeks one and two as separate events), held in Lubec, Maine (USA). Adult trumpet players of all levels and interests are invited and can attend either of the two weeks. Avocational and “comeback” players are especially welcome, as are advanced trumpeters who may wish to pursue special areas. Participants will receive a daily group class, a daily one-hour private lesson, practice time and space, and the opportunity to rehearse and perform with a faculty pianist and with other musicians. In addition, there is time to enjoy a vacation in this charming Down East coastal village and nearby Campobello Island. The instructor will be Dr. Robert Stibler, Emeritus Professor of Music at the University of New Hampshire and founder of the SummerKeys Trumpet Program. For more information, check the SummerKeys website ( or contact Robert Stibler ([email protected]).